Individual mindfulness - spots available from Nov/Dec 2024 - Click here


The journey in a work of art



A workshop to enhance creative thinking in a unique way


It is possible to step out of your familiar (work) environment and look at things with fresh eyes.

You want to pay attention to the connection in the team. Or you have a problem you just can’t think of an answer to. You are trying to start up a new creative project, are thinking of a solution within your company with other experts or perhaps it is something that concerns you personally. It would then be nice to be able to look at this question in a different way for a moment.

Now is the perfect moment to take that time.

Imagine walking around a museum. Looking for a work of art that catches your attention. Taking the time to look at it quietly. Not to learn about art, but to look at it with fresh eyes and see what you have in front of you. You may well arrive at a solution or have found a way to look at the issue in a whole new way.

With the result that you:
+ have new ideas for that creative project
+ a new angle on the problem at work
+ gained new insights around the issue that kept you busy.


It gives you peace and space in your head and simultaneously activates your creativity. Who knows with what plan, idea or insight you will walk out again.

This is for …


The workshop is very suitable for teams. Steps 2 and 3 are carried out individually. At the end the insights, ideas and experiences can be shared quite well in a group.

Consider think tanks, working on solutions together or just as a team outing. A nice experience outside the work environment and without work pressure.


The workshop is suitable from about 10 years. So for the last groups of elementary school, high school or higher education. For example, it can be part of the creative arts lessons.

Depending on the age of the student, we will adapt the program in length or content.
It can be a great introduction to a creative class or new lesson period.

Creatives and teachers

Even if you are already working a lot on this subject yourself, this workshop can add something extra. It is a way to look at art differently and will give you inspiration for your work or your next creative project. Or it can help you further on a personal level.


The workshop is very suitable to do by yourself or with friends or family. A nice outing, a different way of looking at art and it gives nice solutions, ideas or insights. Great to exchange experiences over a cup of tea afterwards.


“Really a fun and interesting workshop. I have been to many museums, but never before have I looked at art like this.

In the colors and textures you explore your own creativity and you unexpectedly discover answers to your question.

That one painting in the Lakenhal museum has now become a little bit of me.”

– workshop participant

The workshop


We meet at the agreed location.
This can be a museum, sculpture garden, or other place with art.

The workshop takes about 2,5 to 3 hours in which I guide you in 4 stages. You don’t have to bring anything, except a phone or camera.

First we focus. You determine a question (which you don’t have to share) that you will use during the workshop.
A creative, personal or work-related question. Whatever is most appropriate at that moment.

Then you get to work in the museum.


You choose a work of art in one of the museum rooms. You look at this work of art (painting, sculpture, etc.) in two different ways. This is an individual moment. In between, we come together to share experiences.

First look at the work of art up close. Really look!
Then it is time for creative thinking. Let your imagination run wild. I will explain how.


After the two rounds at the artwork, there will be time to share your experiences.
After this unique experience, you will be able to build on your insights and have a new way of working together, thinking creatively and stimulating problem-solving skills.

Are you with your team? Then this is the time to discuss the new insights and ideas and brainstorm further.

For schools, this can be a fun introduction to a creative lesson or new teaching period.


Working with Nathalie

A guide, educator and artist

I am a certified art-based learning facilitator (Artez). Not only have I been working as a visual artist for many years, but I also have 20+ years of experience in (mental) health/health care and education as a behavioral scientist, family therapist and schoolpsychologist.

Rest, energy and creativity are important components of the work I do. Art based learning is a unique addition to this. The method provides a beautiful experience, full of creative thinking and art. It is inspiring and a nice way to spend some time in a completely different way with art, with your questions and it stimulates creative thinking.

You can find out more about me here.

At the end of the workshop


A new perspective

You’ve figured out that you could best approach that problem (at work) differently. Or maybe new possibilities have come to mind.


You feel calm and energetic

You feel that the headache is gone, you take another deep breath and you feel relaxed



Step out of your daily life for a moment so you can give your full attention to yourself or your team.


You have gained insights

That which was bothering you personally has become a little clearer. You may not be there yet, but you feel some clarity.


New creative ideas

You see possibilities for that (creative) project, maybe you have a new starting point or a brand new idea.

inspiratie<br />


You have found a whole new way of looking at art and walking through a museum. A unique way for creative and solution-oriented thinking.

Join the workshop


Available workshops

Sign up yourself or go with a friend to a workshop.

New dates available soon. Sign up at the bottom of the page to be the first to receive updates on new workshops.

For groups and companies, you can request a quote by filling out the form.

For groups and companies

Let’s talk about the details or request a custom quote

Fill out the form for further information or a customised quotation obligation-free. Please put in some information about plans and group size.

I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the possibilities. After our conversation you will receive a quotation if you are still interested.

Please read the frequently asked questions below for more information
For individual registrations you can check the available workshops.

What it is based on

This workshop is based on the method Art-based learning, developed by J. Lutters (Artez) as a didactic method that enhances creative thinking skills.
It helps to be in the museum and look at art in a different way. Taking a break from daily life for some peace and quiet. It stimulates and enhances creative thinking and helps to look at problems and questions in a different way. This can be business or personal.

This makes it very suitable for use in companies and schools or for independent participation (alone or in a group).

Coincidences and opportunities

You don’t know what artworks you will come across and what it will bring you. It doesn’t matter whether the artwork you end up using is beautiful or ugly in your eyes. That is precisely the fascinating thing about this way of looking at art. Everything is possible.

That’s why you walk out with so many new possibilities, insights, plans or ideas.

Perception and imagination

During the workshop, you look at the artwork in great detail as well as from your own imagination.
Through the imagination, coming from within yourself, beautiful and possibly unexpected (creative) insights and solutions can emerge. Everything is possible.




Form stories and inspire

Part of the workshop involves forming stories that are unique. This stimulates creativity and is always different. After all, everyone looks at the world and therefore at a work of art from their own unique perspective.

At the end of the workshop, you can share the stories with each other to inspire each other and share creativity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where and when will the workshop take place?

This will be decided by mutual agreement.

Individual enrollments can be made through the sign up button of the workshop dates available. This will also indicate where the workshop will take place.

What is the investment?

If you register for the workshop you will pay the indicated workshop price. The museum ticket is not included. Many people today have a discount card or code for museums and would like to use it. Therefore, it has been found that it is more convenient for participants to purchase the museum ticket themselves.

If you would like to do the workshop alone or with two to five people, please send an email to contact @ 

If you would like to participate with a larger group/team, please fill out the form.

Is there a maximum number of people who can participate?

For (business) groups there will be contact about what the possibilities are.

If you register for a workshop here on the website, the group will be between 4 and 8 people.

Is this workshop also for children or adolescents?

The workshops you can sign up for here on this website are for adults.

However, the workshop is also suitable for children from about 10 years of age. It can therefore be used well in (primary/middle/higher) schools. However, the program may be adapted in length or composition,

If a museum visit is not possible, we can look at other possibilities.

Can I cancel?

Individually registered for a workshop on the website:

You will not get a refund, but in case of unforeseen circumstances, you can move your workshop “ticket” to another date or use it for another workshop. Please contact me ahead of time so I can let you know if your situation qualifies.

*Registered via a custom price quote:
The terms and conditions attached to the quote apply here.

What do you mean by come up with a (personal) question?

This could be anything. Something you are running into or want answers to on a personal level. Maybe you are breaking your head about something or you are struggling with something. It can also be work related. A new project, a problem you and your think tank are figuring out solutions to, or a creative blockage

I am not creative is that a problem?
For whom is this not suitable?
I don't like certain types of art (abstract, modern, photography, sculpture, etc).
Is this looking at art or coaching?
About Nathalie, the workshop / art based learning method and the guidance in the workshop.

Thank you for your interest in the workshop.

Please fill out the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible.